Education Journal – Revue de l’éducation (EJRÉ) is a peer reviewed education journal that publishes the research of Faculty of Education graduate students at the University of Ottawa. EJRÉ is published annually in both French and English, however special editions may also be released.

Latest Volume

Peer Review Process

As an author, your article will undergo a two-part review process. First, your article is blindly reviewed by two University of Ottawa Faculty of Education graduate student peers who provide constructive, formative feedback, if necessary. After you incorporate any review feedback and resubmit, your second draft is then sent to two professors of the Faculty of Education for the second part of the blind peer review process. After incorporating changes recommended by the professors (if any), you submit once again. The editorial board notifies you of our intent to publish your article or not. If successful, the editorial board conducts a pre-publication copy edit followed by proof reading. At the copy editing stage the author reviews and approves/questions the editorial changes. Finally, you are asked to review the editorial proof to ensure accuracy. When you sign off on the proof copy, we begin the process of publishing your peer-reviewed article.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Journal History

Education Journal – Revue de l’éducation has been published by the EGSA since 2011 (annually) and published online since 2013.

You can also access the EJRÉ at the following site:


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